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Connect'Innov is a Startup Support Organisation whose mission is to detect, support and promote innovation in the field of HealthTech :

E-Health, MedTech and BioTech.

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Pre-incubation and awareness program for innovation and entrepreneurship in  HealthTech 

Short, versatile and complementary training program destined to HealthTech Startups

and SME's

Program for creating innovative startups by the Connect'Innov team based on internal ideas 

Incubation program for innovative HealthTech startups

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Expan’Africa by Connect’Innov

Rejoignez L’accélérateur de croissance pour la HealthTech tunisienne en Afrique

The Connect’Innov team

A multidisciplinary and experienced team, where most of its members share a scientific background. Each member brings their experience to empower HealthTech startups from the early stages of their creation through their growth and expansion.


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SEPTEMBER 12. 2024

The call for applications to support the expansion of your HealthTech company towards the African market is still open!

Apply now to benefit from the many advantages offered:

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SEPTEMBER 10. 2024

🎯 Join us tomorrow, 📅 Wednesday September 11, 2024 at 4 p.m., for the second "Les Mercredis de l'export" webinar entitled "How Tunisia encourages
internationalization of companies
to Africa: instruments and tools."


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